[fpc-pascal] How to close TInetServer without except?

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Sat May 4 21:59:27 CEST 2013

On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 9:42 PM, Ludo Brands <ludo.brands at free.fr> wrote:

> However, in your code you do
> if (c = 0) or (c = SOCKET_ERROR) then
>   begin
>     Error;
> which is not correct. c=0 is the result of select returning after a
> timeout. It is not an error.
> The fact that
>    if Socket.Select(10000, slRead) = erNone then
> is blocked forever​ is not normal. It should at least return after 10
> seconds.

​I am not testing in linux it is broked with me and i have not good
internet to fix it.

now in this example
They not use Select before acce​pt

and in

>The parameter *readfds* identifies the sockets that are to be checked for
readability. If the socket is currently in the
it will be marked as readable if >an incoming connection request has
been received such that an
guaranteed to complete
*without blocking*.

I still not sure in windows need Select, but maybe in Linux only, but i
can't test it there.

I am using last revision of Lazarus, FPC 2.6 on Windows XP SP3

Best Regards
Zaher Dirkey
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