[fpc-pascal] Win64 release of FPC 2.6.2 missing

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Fri May 3 23:21:44 CEST 2013


John Lee made the suggestion that an "unofficial" 64-bit Windows
compiler archive be made available - for those people like me.

You can now download it from the Free Pascal FTP site:


--------[ readme.txt ]--------------
64 bit win fpc 2.6.2

generated by Graeme Geldenhuys, uploaded by John Lee
fpc.cfg is set up for Graeme's config

NB this version is not generated as part of the distribution
by the fpc developers since it is not believed to offer any/many
advantages cf the win32 version frunning on a win 64 bit target.

May 2013

Hope somebody finds it useful.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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