[fpc-pascal] compiling 2.4.2 under 7-64

Julien Devillers julien.devillers at opti-time.com
Tue Jan 25 18:11:28 CET 2011



i'm trying to compile fpc 2.4.2 under windows 7 64 bits.

It raises the following error :



make[5]: entrant dans le répertoire « C:/FPC/2.4.2/fpc-2.4.2/rtl/win32 »

c:/gnuwin32/bin/gmkdir.exe -p C:/FPC/2.4.2/fpc-2.4.2/rtl/units/i386-win32

d:/pp_/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe -Ur -Xs -O2 -n -Fi../inc -Fi../i386 -Fi../win -FE. -FUC:/FPC/2.4.2/fpc-2.4.2/rtl/units/i386-win32 -di386 -dRELEASE -

s -Sg system.pp -Fi../win

system.pp(1011) Error: Can't create archive file: C:\FPC\2.4.2\fpc-2.4.2\rtl\units\i386-win32\libimpsystem.a


Instead of making the C:/FPC/2.4.2/fpc-2.4.2/rtl/units/i386-win32, gmkdir creates a directory named :   C:\FPC\2.4.2\fpc-2.4.2\rtl\win32\FPC\2.4.2\fpc-2.4.2\rtl\units\i386-win32


Should I consider that this is a bug of gmkdir ? I get this file with getGnuWin32.




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