[fpc-devel] RTL: high CPU load in heap manager

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Nov 11 09:46:29 CET 2014

On 10/11/14 18:47, Karoly Balogh (Charlie/SGR) wrote:
> We were profiling our code, and one RTL function regularly popped up in
> close to the top in the profiling list.
> It's remove_freed_fixed_chunks(). Can someone explain to me under what
> condition this code is triggered very often and/or could take long to
> execute (there's a loop in there)?

This was reported earlier too, but I couldn't reproduce it:
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18079 (especially comment 47405
by Sergei).


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