[fpc-devel] New less verbose compilation of trunk

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed Mar 7 14:10:38 CET 2012

On 07 Mar 2012, at 12:29, Henry Vermaak wrote:

> Unfortunately, cycling the compiler is taking really long and -j 9  
> isn't helping much (or at all).

It can be sped up by adding proper unit dependency information in your  
platform's RTL Makefile.fpc, and then removing the .NOTPARALLEL.  
Except for the Darwin RTL, no RTL currently has proper dependency  
information. It also won't work for the Windows RTLs, because they use  
build units (which is another way to speed up things, although you  
can't take advantage of any parallelism in that case without modifying  
the compiler).

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