[fpc-devel] Unicode support (yet again)

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 11:48:26 CEST 2011

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl> wrote:
> The assignfile() etc routines are actually not the problem. The classes in
> the classes unit are.

Ok, I may have exaggerated about the problems, but I still don't
understand 100% your position. Where exactly is the frontier of how
much utf8 support in the RTL is acceptable?

What do you think about adding TStringsUTF8/TStringListUTF8 to classes.pas?

What about stuff like this in classes:

  TReader = class(TFiler)
    function ReadString: string;
    function ReadWideString: WideString;
    function ReadUnicodeString: UnicodeString;

Can a utf8string method be added where there are already multiple
methods for various string types?

And regardless of the answers above, I think we should start a new
package in fpc called libutf8 which can add all kinds of classes and
routines for utf8.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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