[fpc-devel] FPDoc improvements

michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Tue Nov 29 15:48:21 CET 2011

On Tue, 29 Nov 2011, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:

> michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be schrieb:
>>> A "make -n rtl.chk > test.txt" succeeded, at least. Now I suspect some 
>>> Windows or RTL commandline limitations, which seem to truncate the long 
>>> command lines created by the scripts (4890 chars for rtl.chk).
>> This is a problem of windows, yes.
> Argh :-(
>> Try working with the FCL, there are less units, and thus a corresponding 
>> less
>> long command-line.
> Certainly I could use other (smaller) packages, what also would speed up 
> debugging, but this would not eliminate any problem that Windows users have 
> with creating local documentation right now.
> BTW, "make fcl.chk" works here :-)
> But what about the many unknown targets? Do they result from the inability to 
> create (or use?) the RTL content file?

Partly, yes.

>>> Another extension should allow to debug and update fpdoc projects, which 
>>> currently don't run on Windows. The observed fatal errors can result from 
>>> bad XML structure, or from missing include files.
>> What do you mean with "currently don't run on windows" ?
> I also cannot create LCL documentation, it fails with an unhandled exception. 
> The reason may be the same as for the RTL documentation, I did not yet test 
> it right now.

Well, it's a good test case for a project file.


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