[fpc-devel] Re: out vs. var

Sergei Gorelkin sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru
Mon Nov 28 14:13:46 CET 2011

28.11.2011 14:26, Sven Barth пишет:
> Am 28.11.2011 12:02, schrieb Michael Müller:
>>> Additionally, if you use the -gt command line option then the compiler will overwrite the
>>> contents of (non-reference-counted) out-parameters in the function entry code. This switch will
>>> do nothing for open array parameters though, because it lacks support for using the hidden "high"
>>> parameter to determine the bounds of the array at run time.
>> I don't understand this restriction. In the code High() works for open arrays at run time.
> I suppose that the "-gt" code is generated on a lower level, so it can't just use High(), but would
> need to access the hidden parameter that contains the array length directly. And that part is simply
> not implemented, so open arrays are not handled.
Yes, this is simply an unimplemented feature.


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