[fpc-devel] RIP NoGlobals

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu Sep 30 11:57:35 CEST 2010

On 30 Sep 2010, at 02:27, Ralf A. Quint wrote:

> Now, one interesting question/stat would rather be: How long do bugs  
> stay open? How long does it take to resolve  the issues of a bug?

Mantis does not keep information about the evolution of that over  
time, but you can always look at the current average at http://bugs.freepascal.org/summary_page.php 
  (under "Time Stats For Resolved Issues (days)").

Note that the "Average time" is kind of strange: it is only calculated  
from the already resolved bugs. This means that if you keep bugs older  
than the average open indefinitely, you get a "better" result than  
when you start fixing them. In general, it has been slowly increasing  
over time.

Also, all bug counts and statistics also include feature requests, and  
bugs for the text mode ide which is seldom worked on anymore.


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