[fpc-devel] Delphi-like Packages, Plan

Dimitri Smits smitco at telenet.be
Mon Oct 4 10:46:31 CEST 2010

----- "Hans-Peter Diettrich" <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> schreef:

> Dimitri Smits schrieb:
> > It is therefore simple to say in delphi that you want to build with
> > rtlXXX.bpl only, but still have the vclXXX.dcp statically linked
> into
> > your executable when you use a TForm and include the Forms unit
> > somewhere in your code.
> This sounds like a post-D7 feature?

nope, D7 does this too. (maybe even D5, but cannot verify)

if you say you want to build with runtime packages x, y and z, the linker/compiler take into account that you implicitly dynamically link to the (units contained in) the packages that package x,y and z depend on (and recusively until no additional dependencies remain).

if in none of the above x,y,z (and the bpl's they depend upon) is contained a unit you use in your current build-target (exe, dll, ...), then the unit is implicitly included into that build-target.

kind regards,
Dimitri Smits

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