[fpc-devel] FPC 2.3.1 seems a mixed mess with Unicode support

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu Sep 17 10:02:28 CEST 2009

On 17 Sep 2009, at 09:55, Michael Schnell wrote:

> Jonas Maebe wrote:
>> Neither that much space nor that much time is required.
> Any pointers regarding a decent estimation ?


> As there are billions of possible Unicode "characters" and most of  
> them
> potentially can be alternately depicted by one or multiple
> multi-Unicode surrogates, I don't share your optimism.

There are many existing OSes out there which deal perfectly well with  
this (such as Mac OS X, which does auto-normalization in several  
cases). It's not like this is new rocket science, unicode has been  
around since quite a while and all this stuff has been dealt with by  
other people several years ago already.


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