[fpc-devel] Compilation error using FPC 2.2.2 on iMac PowerPC...

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Apr 20 10:00:34 CEST 2009

On 13 Apr 2009, at 20:36, <dominique at savagesoftware.com.au> <dominique at savagesoftware.com.au 
 > wrote:

>  I'm using FreePascal 2.2.2, from 12th April 2009
> snapshot to compile my app on a PowerPC iMac running Mac OS X 10.3.9.
> All my units compile fine, but it fails during the linking phase  
> with the
> error listed below...
> Linking ./YoYo70-powerpc
> /usr/bin/ld:
> /usr/local/lib/fpc/2.2.2/units/powerpc-darwin/paszlib/zinflate.o stray
> relocation PPC_RELOC_PAIR entry (36) in section (__TEXT,__text)
> An error occurred while linking
> Error: Error while linking
> Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
> Fatal: Compilation aborted
> Error: /usr/local/bin/ppcppc returned an error exitcode (normal if  
> you did
> not specify a source file to be compiled)
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how i can get around this  
> problem?

Which Xcode version do you have installed on the iMac? And why are you  
compiling on a 10.3.9 machine? (although it should still work) You can  
very easily cross-compile a program for another Mac OS X version on  
Mac OS X: http://wiki.freepascal.org/OS_X_Programming_Tips#Compiling_under_10.5_for_10.4_and_below 
  (have a look under /Developer/SDKs to see the names of other SDKs,  
and note that the 10.3.9 SDK is not installed by default by Xcode 3.x,  
so you may have to run the installer again and explicitly mark its  

> What is a "stray relocation" for future reference?

This cannot be explained without going into detail about how linkers  
work, and the specifics of the PowerPC architecture. I don't have time  
for that right now.

> Also I was hoping to be able to build FPC from SVN, but the only SVN  
> *.dmg
> file I found on the internet, would not install correctly on 10.3.9.

What does "would not install correctly" mean? Please, always mention  
the specifics.

> Does anyone have a link that they know works on 10.3.9? I have XCode
> installed in case I need to build anything.
> I copied a SVN version of the the code from my Intel MacBook to the  
> iMac
> and tried to build it from scratch but it give the following errors...
> system.pp:126894:Complex expression. Absolute segment assumed.

That problem should have been fixed in 2.2.2: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=10541

I'm not sure why you would nevertheless get such errors, unless you  
are trying to compile using DWARF debug information (which was not yet  
properly supported by Xcode 1.5).


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