[fpc-devel] The usage of Include() doesn't work any more in 2.3.1

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 16:59:55 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Jonas Maebe <jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be> wrote:
>> OK, I understand you point over the long term.  So would the following
>> still be okay?
>>  set += [member];
>> Not that I ever use the C style operators like '+=', but it does act
>> as nice shorthand for code - replacing the need for Include().
> It should work fine, as x+=y is really just a notation shorthand for x:=x+y
> and is not treated specially in any way by the compiler afaik.

You would have thought that, but surprise, surprise....  it doesn't!!

  WindowAttributes += [waStayOnTop];

Gives me the following error:
  Error: Variable identifier expected

 - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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