[fpc-devel] Freepascal in microcontrollers

Vinzent Hoefler JeLlyFish.software at gmx.net
Wed Feb 27 11:05:46 CET 2008

On Wednesday 27 February 2008 09:44, Michael Schnell wrote:

> You can avoid cryptic language constructs in the main source code.

Or you can avoid cryptic languages altogether. :D

> I did not yet use the preprocessor in Pascal but a standard way to
> access memory mapped ports in C is something like this (from the top
> of my head):
> #define _port = 0x87
> #define ByteIO(p) *(((volatile unsigned char)*)(p))
> #define port=ByteIO(_port)

-- 8< -- snip --

with Interfaces;
with System.Storage_Elements;

procedure Foo is
   -- Declare a reusable volatile 8 bit IO port type.
   type IO_Port is new Integer range 0 .. 255;
   for IO_Port'Size use 8;    -- 8 bits, of course.
   pragma Atomic (IO_Port);   -- Sort of superfluous here.
   pragma Volatile (IO_Port);

   -- Make address conversions directly visible,
   -- but only inside "Foo" here.
   use System.Storage_Elements;

   -- Now declare a (volatile) IO port variable,
   -- and tell its address.
   My_Port : IO_Port;
   for My_Port'Address use To_Address (16#87#);
   -- Assign the 0x55 value to the 0x87 address.
   My_Port := 2#01010101#;
end Foo;

-- 8< -- snip --

Although it's a whole lot of declarations for this simple:

-- 8< --

        movb    $85, 135

-- 8< --

So, given the right choices, neither C, nor a preprocessor is needed.

And hell, preprocessors sometimes are even forbidden for a particular 
project. If you want to verify code you need the code which turns up 
after being preprocessed anyway.


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