[fpc-devel] Proposal to make the compiler message "PPU Invalid Version" a fatal error.

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed Aug 13 22:33:17 CEST 2008

On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 21:29:59 +0200 (CEST)
Daniël Mantione <daniel.mantione at freepascal.org> wrote:

> Op Wed, 13 Aug 2008, schreef Vincent Snijders:
> > Daniël Mantione schreef:
> >> Op Wed, 13 Aug 2008, schreef Vincent Snijders:
> >> 
> >>> It easier to change the message parser if you change it, than to
> >>> design a protocol for more computer friendly messages.
> >> 
> >> It's not about what is less work. It's about what has the best 
> >> compatibility, the best maintainability, the best reliability and
> >> most features.
> >
> > The not yet designed protocol has a bad score on the feature list, 
> > because it is not available.
> The text mode IDE can display statisics while compiling. Why can't 
> Lazarus?
> There is the compiler unit, which *is* available, and this is the
> only officially supported compiler interface. We are not against
> other officially supported interfaces, but parsing messages is
> definately not an offical interface and recommended against. It is
> not the first time we have this discussion, we discussed possible
> protocols before.

Can you give a link?


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