[fpc-devel] Re: [fpc-pascal] Freepascal 2.2.0 released

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Tue Sep 11 16:18:03 CEST 2007

Marc Santhoff wrote on di, 11 sep 2007:

> Am Montag, den 10.09.2007, 12:56 +0200 schrieb Joost van der Sluis:
> Since this page isn't already up:
>>  http://wiki.freepascal.org/User_Changes_2.2.0
> Can someone please give a short explanation of this item?:
>>   * pointer[low..high] syntax to pass C-style pointer arrays to procedures
>>     using open arrays

Note that the page above does not explain that. It only explains  
gotchas you may run into when compiling code which compiled/worked  
with the previous release of FPC, but which may now no longer compile  
or behave differently.

New features should be described in the documentation (although I have  
no idea what to search for if you want a description of the above).  
The page is above is a wiki page so it can be easily updated in case  
other issues are discovered, so it can be easily updated.


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