[fpc-devel] interfaces vs classes in dll

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Fri Nov 30 00:19:03 CET 2007

Michael Van Canneyt пишет:
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2007, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> Lazarus has the IDEIntf, the API for IDE plugins.
>> What is better in this case: classes or interfaces?
> Classes:
> - No reference counting mess. 
> - Easier to grasp conceptually.
In plugin dll?
> - You can use ansistrings. Interfaces require widestrings. (olestrings to be exact)
Who told you this? Interface <> com object

>> What if someday there are packages? 
> It'll work transparantly.
>> What if someday there is a closed source dll plugin?
> If it is a package, there is no problem.

And even after extending class old class dependant plugins will work? How?

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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