[fpc-devel] A patch for external assembler output

Sergei Gorelkin sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru
Sat Nov 24 18:50:36 CET 2007


I found and fixed at least four issues with MASM assembler output:

- garbage was being output sometimes instead of source lines when 
compiling with -al. This is because lastfileinfo and lastinfile were 
never initialized for MASM writer. This is true for TPPCMPWAssembler, too.
- long lines were not wrapped.
- constants of type ait_comp_64bit output incorrectly.
- at end of file, current segment was not closed.

Furthermore, I moved variables lastinfile, lastsectype, lastfileinfo and 
infile, which are common to all external assemblers, from global scope 
to TExternalAssembler members. This reduces duplication and ensures that 
they are properly initialized for all assemblers that may be added in 
the future.

The patch is attached. Hope it will be useful.

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