[fpc-devel] TDateTime, TDate, TTime types

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 09:33:19 CET 2007


Does FPC have all the above types defined as Delphi does?  I can only
find a TDateTime in FPC.

Saying that, it looks a bit confusing in Delphi.  I can define a
variable in Delphi as TDate, but still be able to set the time!!  So I
guess I don't see the point of a TDate and TTime types

Maybe we can add the following into FPC just to be compatible with Delphi?

TDate = type TDateTime;
TTime = type TDateTime;

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

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