[fpc-devel] [Fwd: TMemDataset : pb & suggestions]

Oro06 orinaudo at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 17:51:37 CEST 2006

sample attached based on testpop (from memds dir)
run well on win32.

line 739 :   PRecInfo(Buffer+FRecInfoOffset)^.BookmarkFlag := Value;

give Bus error or misaligned data access TMemdataset.set_bookmarkflag, 
line 739

replacing line 739 with that :

  Unaligned(APRecInfo^).BookmarkFlag := Value;

give this at compile time:
Fatal: Internal error 20060521

>> replacing with this :
>>  APRecInfo:=PRecInfo(Buffer+FRecInfoOffset);
>>  Unaligned(APRecInfo^).BookmarkFlag := Value;
>> give Internal error 20060521
> Can you create a short compiling/crashing example which shows the 
> problem?

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