[fpc-devel] Re: KOL for freepascal (was: Extend thelibrariespeople!)

L505 fpc505 at z505.com
Tue Jun 7 15:48:08 CEST 2005

Yes I had to convert some constants to var's (and initialize them) in one procedure..
and I noticed Thaddy did this too. I assume delphi is a bit less strict in that it
let's you get away with the below... but I'm not sure if it's good to be less strict
in this case.. (poor style?) What do you think..

| On 7 jun 2005, at 14:15, Marco van de Voort wrote:
| > procedure x (const str: string);
| > begin
| >   filewrite (filedescriptor,pchar(str+#13#10)^,length(str)+2);
| > end;
| I do not think this should work. You can't pass the address of a temp
| like this.
| Jonas
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