[fpc-devel] internal error 2003060703 on Mac OS X

Karl-Michael Schindler schindler at physik.uni-halle.de
Tue Sep 28 16:51:31 CEST 2004


When compiling the following files of fpc an internal error 2003060703 
shows up under Mac OS X:

Bug report: 3332

Oliebol's opinion was Jonas or Synopsis should have a look at it.

I only see the assignment of a pointer to some records as common:


400	{$ifndef fpc}{$F+}{$endif}
401	procedure transSwap(i, j : Integer);
402	{$ifndef fpc}{$F-}{$endif}
403	  (* swap transitions i and j *)
404	  var x : TransTableEntry;
405	  begin
406	    x := trans_table^[i];
407	    trans_table^[i] := trans_table^[j];
408	    trans_table^[j] := x;
409	  end(*transSwap*);


2275	PROCEDURE TView.SizeLimits (Var Min, Max: TPoint);
2276	BEGIN
2277	   Min.X := 0;                                        { Zero x 
minimum }
2278	   Min.Y := 0;                                        { Zero y 
minimum }
2279	   If (Owner = Nil) Then Begin
2280	     Max.X := $7FFF;                                  { Max 
possible x size }
2281	     Max.Y := $7FFF;                                  { Max 
possible y size }
2282	   End Else Max := Owner^.Size;                       { Max owner 
size }
2283	END;


2440	function TCustomGrid.GetSelection: TGridRect;
2441	begin
2442	  Result:=FRange;
2443	end;

Best wishes - Michael

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