[fpc-devel]Proposal for audo-destructors

Nico Aragón na-list at espira.net
Sun Sep 12 19:16:53 CEST 2004


On Sun, 12 Sep 2004 18:45:53 +0200 (CEST), marcov at stack.nl (Marco van
de Voort) wrote:

>> Would it be feasible to write a different parser that outputs some
>> intermediate format to pass to code generator?
>It would boil down to rewriting most of the compiler, except the real
>assembler/linker parts, since a lot of core dataformats would change.

A pity. FPC source code could be generated by external parser after
translating extra features, but it would bad for debugger support,
etc. It seems that I must look elsewhere. 

Thank you again for clarifications.

  Nico Aragón

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