[fpc-devel]Translation language file: danish

Christian Iversen chrivers at iversen-net.dk
Sun Sep 12 11:10:16 CEST 2004

Evening all. 

To day ago, I got bored, and so I wrote a danish language file for fpc :)

I just need a little help before it's complete.

The meaning of the following entries escape me:

parser_e_generic_methods_only_in_methods=03072_E_methods can be only in other 
methods called direct with type identifier of the class

parser_e_self_in_non_message_handler=03146_E_Self can only be an explicit 
parameter in methods which are message handlers

execinfo_f_cant_process_executable=09028_F_Can't post process executable $1

(from the "-h" output)

I would like some more information about the following as well, just to be 
sure I got it right.

execinfo_x_stackreserve=09033_X_Reserveret stakstørrelse: $1 bytes
execinfo_x_stackcommit=09034_X_Brugt stakstørrelse: $1 bytes
unit_u_no_reload_is_caller=10049_U_Ingen genindlæsning, $1 er kalder
unit_u_flag_for_reload=10051_U_Indstillinger for genindlæsning: $1
unit_u_second_compile_unit=10054_U_Compilerer allerede $1, starter anden 

If somebody can help me, I would appreciate it. 

(apart from this, the language file is finished)

Christian Iversen

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