[fpc-devel]fpc and ppc386

Michalis Kamburelis michalis at camelot.homedns.org
Thu Feb 12 19:50:20 CET 2004

OK, I just figured out what was the cause of this problem.

In SysUtils.ExecuteProcess you were wrapping ppcbin compiler filename 
(like '/usr/local/ppc386') inside quotes (to make it something like 
'"/usr/local/ppc386"') but you were not stripping those quotes anywhere 
before passing this to execve (i.e. FpExecVE). So it shouldn't work 
(since execve should not tolerate any additional quotes in filename, 
even if it does on some UNIXes).

Patch to rtl/unix/unixutil.pp attached with (too many?) comments, it 
modifies StringToPPChar behavior so that it strips those quotes.

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