[fpc-devel]linker error

Jonas Maebe jonas at zeus.rug.ac.be
Sat Dec 16 23:17:27 CET 2000

On Sat, 16 Dec 2000, Frank McCormick wrote:

> I'm using the 1.1 go32v2 version of December 11th
> I get a link error " bad reloc address 0x14 in section '.stab'

This is due to a bug in the binary writer (probably). Try using -Aas to
use the AT&T writer. If that doesn't help, it means the bad object code is
generated for the RTL and you'll either need a newer or older snapshot.

The problem with this bug id that it isn't consistently reproducable (ie.
if you recompile the compiler, it may not happen anymore), so it's hard to
track down.


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