[fpc-devel]Support for 16-bit assembler ?

Davor Dundovic dundo at fly.srk.fer.hr
Tue Dec 5 01:18:19 CET 2000

At 02:36 04. 12. 00 +0100, you wrote:
>It's ok that the program crashes ... :-)


>that should work
>uses go32v2;
>var p:^byte;
>   set_segment_limit(get_ds,$ffffffff);
>   writeln(p^);

Very complicated. :-((   I have over 3 MB of Turbo pascal code, some of it 
written in BASM, which I would like to port to FP. It's not going to be an 
easy task.

I use absolute addresses mostly for fast writing characters to video 
memory. How do I do that in FP ?  Is there a unit that I could use ?

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